
Best The Numerologist

Best Teo is a certified practitioner member (CPM) with the Association International De Numerologues Asia (ANIA). She is affiliated with the Association International de Numerologues UK

Best also holds a Gradate Diploma in Psychology from Monash University, Australia.  She has close to a decade of experience in reading and deciphering numbers in Numerology. In a way, each number makes a particular statement and has an energy associated with it;  – the scientific vibrations of numbers.

Best has a keen interest in human behaviour and a natural aptitude with numbers. From a young age, she has the intuition to sense certain energies from people and situations. Discovering Numerology in 2011, Best gain a new deeper understanding of herself and her abilities. She has applied Numerology to all aspects of her life; enhancing relationships, hiring reliable people, developing stronger partnerships, making important decisions at crucial times and more.

Best sees Numerology as a form of personal development.  She believes we can all become a better version of ourselves through Numerology.  With her down to earth approach, combined with her intuitive gifts (being a Master Number 11),  Best is keen to use her abilities to assist others to live their lives with distinctions.

Originally from the sunny Singapore, Best now resides in Southeast Melbourne.